Lacewing larvaes added to greenhouse to control the aphids.
The number of aphids has been reasonable so far, thanks to biological control!
For more info (in finnish only), check www.biotus.fi


Again, repotting the late plants.
More predator insects added to prevent aphids.

More plants moved to cold side of the greenhouse.
Started final repotting for the late plants.

Baccatums and rocotos moved to cold side of the greenhouse.

Cold side cleaned.
Corns germinating in the greenhouse

Ornamental chile bed done.

Predator insects placed in the greenhouse.

Sprinklers added in the greenhouse.

Solar cells in use.

The main greenhouse

There are several projects going on at the moment, but the most important one is still the greenhouse project!
Planning and building equipment that’ll use forms of energy other thanelectricity, or as little electricity as possible, has become yetanother hobby for me.
So interesting and useful at the same time!

Here are listed the heating methods I’m using at the moment:
Thermal powerwith solar cells to heat up the floor and keep the air warm during thenights, will be used during spring, summer and early autumn.

Furnace, used to heat up the floor and air of the greenhouse directly at the same time.
Not nearly as effective as thermal power, but a great way to make thefruits mature faster and to save a lot of money during the cold season!

Gaswill be used to heat up the air directly on the warm side when it’s toocold. Perhaps not the cheapest way to heat up the greenhouse, but withother methods combined, an ideal solution!

– As a backup I’ll use electricity, but only when absolutely necessary. Heater with a fan is a very effective method to heat up the air even on the cold side. Heating cables will be used in case it’s impossible to heat up the floor with other methods. It’s very good I implemented that as a backup.

– I currently applied an option to use the exhaust air coming fromthe house air conditioning for greenhouse air conditioning / heating / cooling, that will bemore than perfect for winter, season extending or early season growing!
Works as air conditioning which changes air once an hour, this isideal for cold and moist autumn which usually causes fungus on theplant and makes the pods rot.
Works also as cooling during the hot summer.
With these energy saving methods growing in my current greenhouse is cheaper than in my old, small 10 square meter greenhouse!
I got lots of questions about the exhaust air project, so here’s more about that:
Exhaustion air project

The Rocoto greenhouse

Besides the main greenhouse, I’m planning to build a new, simplegreenhouse for the rocotos instead of the current rocoto greenhouse.
At the moment I’m planning a good spot for the rocoto greenhouse. Thatgreenhouse could be a lot smaller than the current main greenhouse andwith no electricity at all, other methods would be acceptable. If theseason runs short, the plants could be moved into the main greenhousewhich will be heated for quite long after the outdoor temperatures areway too low to grow any chiles.
The insulation would be done with gravel and styrofoam but without theconcrete, I’m still thinking about the material of the floor.
Actually, with rocoto’s it’s much easier when it comes to heating because they actually prefer cool temperatures.
Lastyear taught me that some extra cold at the beginning of the seasonmakes the rocoto’s much stronger and more cold tolerant. I call that"the ultimate hardening-off".
CAUTION, do not move the plants into a cold enviroment all at once,they have to get used to a little bit of cold first, then colder andcolder and so on.
Eventually they DO have their limits.

At the moment, this project is on hold as I’ve already started germinating the new rocoto-forest for the season 2006!