The Story of Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw

Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw
Years ago, after getting Moruga Scorpion seeds, a long time before it was measured to be the hottest variety on earth, I started a breeding project which started with Moruga Scorpion variety. During that time it was totally unknown variety.
Moruga Scorpion before it was even known to be the hottest of them all.
The idea of breeding the Moruga Scorpion into a hotter variety begun after tasting the original Moruga Scorpion. I immediately figured out it was the hottest variety I had ever tasted!
I always personally knew Moruga Scorpion was hotter than any other from the saga of the hottest chile peppers.
I figured out it could be bred to be even hotter, by using varieties that had similar powers to Moruga Scorpion which will be unnamed.
During this breeding process, I sent some seeds from my Moruga Scorpion pods to a fellow chilehead who grew it and had it officially measured, and hell yes, it turned out to be even much hotter than I ever could have expected! – I was very excited to continue with the project I had started much earlier.
After several years of breeding, which practically meant selecting the hottest and the best tasting variety for several generations, the Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw variety was born!
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw – The legend has born!
After many, many tests with several chilehead friends and other people (!!!) this variety was clearly the one to defeat the old king, Moruga Scorpion.

A comparison between the split pod of Moruga Scorpion and Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw.
The Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw has much more capsaicin drops inside it and indeed looks much more dangerous than the original Moruga Scorpion.

Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw – producing pods in a greenhouse.
The heat level is intense in a way that it’s completely insanely different.
For the first time ever, I had a strange experience with tasting the piece of the pod; my tongue went numb immediately… just like after a dentist. I’ve hear this to happen for some people quite easily, but until this day, I have grown just over 3000 different varieties of chile peppers and tasted almost as many, I never, ever had tasted anything like this. And yes, I have tasted some super hot ones quite a lot. I do have a little experience on other varieties I can compare this one to.
Just take a look at this beast:
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw – A split pod.
After my tongue went numb, the intense heat started to spread around my mouth and after a little while (hard to tell the exact time as the sense of time was lost completely) the feeling to my tongue came back and the pain was just horrible. I was actually a little scared of the fact how hot chile peppers can be bred or grown.
Basketful of Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw pods!
When used with cooking, this variety can indeed be used subtly, and after you realize that and learn to use appropriate amounts, the taste will be absolutely amazing. The taste of this pods actually makes it one of a kind. The heat is just a big plus and makes this wonder stuff last even longer.

The powder from this variety is especially good. Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw reacts very well to dehydrating and the taste is very concentrated and has a unique flavor which makes it one of the best super hot varieties I have ever tasted. It’s yet to be seen how this stuff works with other products.
Finally, a picture of the first Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw plant for season 2013 in a hot tube:

More news and picture from this variety to come soon!
Until then, if you live in Finland you can order some powder to taste from here:
Seeds for this variety might be available sometime later.
Follow twitter fatalii_net for more info. This will be the first place to announce the availability of Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw and all other new exciting seeds and new products.