Fatalii’s Empire

TIME TO START THE NEW SEASON! SEEDS RIGHT HERE! Join our English chili discussion @ Whatsapp! Be polite and enjoy your stay!  Welcome! Use the QR code or use this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CnORQ8tet9rK1N8kaX9Slt DELIVERING SEEDS TO EU! Check out the latest newsletter about the new seeds and discounts here Click here to enter the best chili […]


Osta klikkaamalla tästä! ”Chilikasvattajan raamattu :)” -Sini U.    ”Erittäin hyvä teos aloittelevalle sekä myös kokeneemmalle chilinkasvattajalle. Paljon hyvää tietoa ja laadukkaat kuvat. 5/5” -Olli S.   ”Miehelle ostin kirjan ja tykkäsi kovasti. Tais olla ainut kirja minkä oon nähny sen koskaan lukevan kannesta kanteen. 😀 Hienoja vinkkejä kasvatukseen ja reseptit.” -Marja T.   ”Toimii! […]

Bonsai Chiles! (Bonchi)

Bonchi (Bonsai Chiles) https://fatalii.net/bonchi Welcome to the home of the bonsai chile peppers! A form of truly enjoyable natural art & science! What can be more creative and versatile hobby and art than growing a chile pepper from a seed to a bonsai chile tree? That’s what you can call your own creation! Use all […]

Growing chiles with hydroponics!

Fatalii’s Hydroponic Growing Guide The fastest, easiest and most producive way of growing chiles! It also gives you the best tasting results. The growing method highly recommended by Fatalii Dutch-Habanero growing on hydroponic system! Hydroponic advantages: – significantly faster growth-rate, thus the growing is much cheaper – possible to achieve MUCH higher yields in a […]

Growing chile peppers

Fatalii’s Guide for Growing Chile Peppers Step one: selecting the varieties to grow. Select the varieties you want to grow. With Capsicums there are plenty of choices which makes the whole phenomenon even more interesting! You can choose from thousands different varieties: among them there are several ornamentals, hot pods, mild pods, heatless pods, large […]

Fatalii Gourmet Chilimix

ChiliMix -rasian sisältä voit löytää mm. seuraavia chililajikkeita: Aji Benito   Kerrassaan upea chililajike joka on hieno keino päästä  sisään hiukan laadukkaampien chililajikkeiden maailmaan. Kuuluu herkullisiin Etelä-Amerikan ihmeisiin, C. baccatumeihin. Marjat ovat herkullisia kaikissa kypsyysvaiheissaan ruuanlaitossa, mutta makeutta ne keräävät lopussa kypsyessään punaisiksi.  Aji Cristal Keskitulinen, runsasarominen, raikas, hedelmäisen herkullinen maustepaprika. Soveltuu kaikenlaiseen ruuanlaittoon antamaan […]

Fighting aphids and other pests

Fighting aphids and other pests – Fatalii’s Methods If you have grown chile peppers you must be familiar with aphids, at least you will get to know them at some point. Don’t worry. They aren’t as nearly as bad you think they might be. The best way to prevent aphids and many other pests is […]

C. lanceolatum

C. lanceolatum The C. lanceolatum is a species which was thought to be extinct for more than over 50 years. Originated in Guatemala, Mexico and Honduras. History The Guatemala Expedition of the scientist Paul C. Standley from 1938 to 1939 provides the most comprehensive description of C. lanceolatum and the habitats where plants of the […]


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