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CGN 19198 (C. sp)

CGN 19198 (C. sp) A true mystery! This is the most interesting variety/species I'm growing at the moment. Several flowers on one pedicle is a new trait for Capsicums! Picture of a plant. Picture of a small plant. Picture of a flower bud. Picture of unique tri-flower buds! Another multi-flower pic. I've never seen nothing […]

Chile bracelet!

Another must-have for a serious chilehead!! 🙂

Get into summer shape “Mättö”

The ultimate really fatty and tasty mättö for those of us who like to get into summer shape and enjoy while doing so.   The main ingredients for basic "mättö". Some nachos, cheese, cold smoked reindeer, food cream, garlic etc. Could be made a lot better with fresh avodaco sauce, fresh pineapple slices etc. Just […]

Processing the yield

Using chiles in fresh form Chiles can be processed in many different ways after harvesting. Always use as many pods as possible when they're still fresh! Chop them for different dishes, like barbeque food, rice and chicken, salsas, tortillas, tacos, sandwiches… just use your imagination! There are lots of different varieties which can make food […]

Chile Chocolate!

The ingredient’s you need to make chile chocolate, are (surprise, surprise..): chocolate and chilepowder. I had three different kind of chipotle chilepowder. All of them were made by Fatalii. Dark chocolate, "basic" chocolate and chilepowder. Chilepowder. 1. Put some water in the bottom (bigger) pan. Then put the smaller pan into the bigger pan. Turn […]

Molo’s Rum Bomb

Hot drink for cold winters! Stage 1. Add some chipotle into coffee mug. Stage 2. Add some milk and warm up for a few seconds. Stage 3. Add some chocolate powder. Stage 4. Pour into glass of rum and add some coffee. Stage 5. Add the rum, and if you like smoother taste, you can […]

Fiery foods

A fellow chilehead sent me an copy of the article that was on fiery foods magazine recently: Use your browsers right click menu to show the article bigger.


01.06.06Lacewing larvaes added to greenhouse to control the aphids.The number of aphids has been reasonable so far, thanks to biological control!For more info (in finnish only), check www.biotus.fi18.5.06Again, repotting the late plants.More predator insects added to prevent aphids. 11.5.06More plants moved to cold side of the greenhouse.Started final repotting for the late plants. 8.5.06Baccatums and […]